You can now give the gift of food at Athens Farmers Market by purchasing Market Bucks in $1 and $5 incriments.
Use like cash to shop anywhere at the Market.
You may have noticed that there are a few postings archived already. Who wrote them, you may ask....well, this blog was begun by a student at Ohio University for an online journalism course. She used the site to blog about her experiences following fresh produce from the farm to the consumer. Since the quarter ended, she has turned the reins over to me so that I can continue sharing information about the Market. Her insights and viewpoints are quite interesting and certainly worth a look....enjoy!
"Slow Food USA believes that pleasure and quality in everyday life can be achieved by slowing down, respecting the convivial traditions of the table and celebrating the diversity of the earth's bounty. From the spice of Cajun cooking to the delicious simplicity of produce at a farmers’ market; from animal breeds and heirloom varieties of fruits and vegetables to handcrafted wine and beer, farmhouse cheeses and other artisanal products; these foods are a part of our cultural identity ... By reviving the pleasures of the table, and using our taste buds as our guides, Slow Food USA believes that our food heritage can be saved."Our discussion about slow food really struck a chord with me, because even when I watch my mother prepare a meal from scratch for our family, I'm almost too impatient to even help. Sadly, I'm more used to microwaveable meals and instant food. Is the American food tradition fast-food chains? I studied abroad in Pamplona, Spain, two summers ago and lived with an older Spanish woman and her family. Their culture was so embedded in food and sitting down at the table and eating together, it is at times a stark contrast to the fast-paced American lifestyle.
"Socializing centered around food... I think that's beautiful"
- Conley